One of my favorite class in college which I never skipped and in fact, spared me from the insanely boring summer classes way back 2005; JOURNALISM.
Being that much fascinated by it, I gave up half of my allowance for a daily copy of the papers, be it Philippine Daily Inquirer, Manila Bulletin, or Philippine Star. Once a copy land on my hand, I instantly pin myself into the nearest chair and flip pages after pages. Even these days, I make it a point to pamper myself with a good read. But the glorious days of sparing some penny for a copy has ended as communication media blossomed on the
www, making it easier for the
netizens to get their daily dose of the current events. I mostly browse over opinion page. I find the columns there very appealing in the sense that the columnists were (
for me) the replica of the brave heroes of the lost times. Valiant, Fearless, Bold, and Daring.
But how will I treat an article of this kind?
Those ugly murals under the edsa flyovers by Neal H. Cruz of
Has the Opinion section of the broadsheets turned into a RANT page?
If that is so,
I was not informed. I should have been informed!