Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happiness overload.

Work has been a battlefield since the year started. Half of the stress I deal with everyday came pretty much from my bread and butter. So it goes without saying that distressing is a bit way off mark as to gradually change my course, I know I have to drop the cause of my stress. The downside is, I can't. There is so much more struggles to contain and wounds to patch and pains to nurse other than surmounting the stress my work has bestowed upon me. But there ain't no room to complain.

On the other hand, its been raining blessings on my other part of the world. Popping out like zits on an oily face. >:) I still haven't fully grasp these mighty gifts from the heavens when another unexpected manna is about to be delivered again.( Yeah baby, another baby!) I have to be somewhere near that world to at least experience the blessings and to fill my cup almost half empty now.

If happiness is a choice then I chose to stick with it even for a day on the first of march. I glued my butt to happiness, not because I deserve it but because ITS MY BIRTHDAY!. :)

Happiness loading......

Purple cake from Nanay!

Happiness overload.

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♥UDD Rocks my world!♥