Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wow, BIG day!

I gotta rain down on your parade once more, like I used to.


I always had trouble making friends since I can remember. But I never took it against myself because (1) I was always sick anyway and I did not get to spend much time playing outside or at school and (2) my siblings, all 4 of them, were my bestfriends and constant playmates and I had all the advantage there is given that I was sickly. It was more than okay then. We did kikay things together, we learned the abc’s and nursery rhymes together and we did the house chores together. Everything was comfortably acceptable but then we grew up and we grew up some more and there my quandary began. Although my love for my siblings would never waver, that’s for certain. I did manage to have few companions during college. However, it gave me the impression of a compulsory companionship, in a good way. They were my seatmates in most of my subjects so, yes, enforced mingling. Hahaha. Sometimes, I wished there was a subject in the school curriculum about relationships, I would gladly enroll myself or maybe earn a masteral degree. :D

I was okay being alone. I did not know if it was something you get used to or something innate in my moral fiber. The crowd was simply too much for me to bear; I got dizzy dispersing them in my brain. That was when I turned to blogging. Yes, there was traffic, noise, and crowd but only virtual. Such a sweet delight. AND I WAS OKAY WITH THAT, so I thought.

Then one fateful day, God decided to knock me off. I fell in love. It was a really bad one- to say the least. It’s true when they say that you will gain something out of a spiteful situation. As for myself, it was not a lesson nor maturity or wisdom, it was friendship. Friendship that I chose. Friendship that was not enforced. Friendship that I will never outgrow.

 “When I was young I wanted to be anybody but myself. Dr. Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island, then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts. He said I would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don’t get to choose our warts. They are a part of us, and we have to live with them. We can, however, choose our friends, and I am glad I have chosen you. “ - Max Jerry Horowitz ( Mary and Max )

To MY person who is turning a year older today,  thank you for accepting me, warts and all. You are my Mary Daisy Dinkle for all time! And I, your Max Jerry Horowitz, the girl version. Hahaha! (You have to watch it, btw.)

Happy happy birthday bebegerl! 

I hope cloning will be rampant in the years to come so that I could start my cloning business and I'll scatter your clones in 7 continents and the entire world will be happier. Achievable naman ang wish ko noh? 

Love you!


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♥UDD Rocks my world!♥