Sunday, April 18, 2010

A prayer for a dear sister

Father GOD I pray for your guidance in my sister’s life. I pray Lord that you will begin to speak in her life concerning the matters of the heart. I pray Lord that your will be done in her life. In her finances THAT SHE MAY HANDLE MONEY WELL AND HER CREDIT CARD TOO Photobucket, her career AS SHE WILL BE HAVING HER JOB INTERVIEW LATERPhotobucket, her relationships, her health, and her spirituality. I pray for favor Father for it is truly more precious than life. And Lord also remind my sister that obedience is better than sacrifice. Allow her the time and will to seek your face daily, not to lean on her own understanding but in all her ways acknowledge you so that you may direct her path. And once it has been revealed unto her your purpose and plan for her life allow her the ability to TRUST despite her surroundings and circumstances. Father I pray that she will not be moved by her circumstances but that she will continue to seek you. Father send your holy spirit as a comforter to her soul to bring back to her remembrance your promises for her life to give her an expected end. Father GOD I pray that you will just have your way on today. Let her know that you are still in control and you won’t leave her nor forsake her. Enable her to lay down her will and submit to yours Father. You said in your “Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of GOD and his righteousness, and all these things should be added unto you. ” Let her know that you will give her the desires of her heart.

Above all Lord, I pray for her today that YOU will enlighten and guide her in her job interview. Do I need to spell out her name Lord? cause she'll probably freak out when she gets to read this.Photobucket
Maybe a picture will help? >>>>it's her>> Photobucket


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