Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Goodbye dear heartache

I used to bump into the same walls, constantly bruising my ego while the door stand cold in one corner, halfway opened.

Goodbye dear heartache.

You served me well. :)

I only have two words for you, IM DONE.

Yeah, I still love you and probably will for a long time.. but I can’t stay here anymore.
It hurts too much.. I guess this is moving on

I guess I’m tired of being the last thing on ur mind.

You took my love and threw it away as if it were nothing
To me ur everything but to you I’m just another meantime girl..
You hurt me more than I deserve, how can you be so cruel?
I love you more than you deserve, why am I such a fool?

Little did I know that you were just another dead end road made with pretty lies and broken dreams..

Suddenly I’m hating myself for everything I’ve ever felt for you..
Sometimes I wish I could go back and erase the day I met you.. but then, I will never regret loving you only believing you love me too…

Watching you walk out of my life doesn’t make me bitter about love but rather makes me realize that..
if I wanted so much to be with the wrong person, how great it will be when the right one comes along..
There is no medication for this illness. No known cure other than

Maybe someday I’ll get back my heart, maybe someday I’ll get back my pride..
Maybe somewhere down the road I’ll forget to remember you..
One day you will seek love and be sorry that you threw mine away…
And one day you’ll realize you could have been with me..

One day I will be able to look u in the eyes without feeling the pain you’ve caused..
One day I will be able to stand next to you without wanting to hold ur hand..


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