I think it’s more interesting to see people who don’t feel appropriately. I relate to that, because sometimes I don’t feel anything at all for things I’m supposed to, and other times I feel too much. It’s not always like it is in the movies. -Ryan Gosling
Monday, November 28, 2011
I'm older, smarter and GREAT :D
Maybe I’ll be older and smarter and just plain better.
If that happens that’s when I’ll deserve you.
But now, at this moment, you can’t hook your boat to mine,
because I’m liable to sink us both.”
I read this from one of the notes I wrote way back and I'm definitely older, smarter and GREAT!!!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I woke up into a nightmare
Felt like the 4th of July. Crap.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Let's celebrate like you're 21!

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Letters to Juliet
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Birthday GIRL-ie :)
Your birthday is a reminder how I was redeemed from an unbearably boring childhood without you coming out first. :) Life maybe tough now, but it couldn't get any toughiER for a toughIEST you... plus US your sidekicks.
"So WE walk under a bus, WE got hit by a train. Keep falling in love, which is kinda the same. WE've sunk out at the, crashed OUR car, got insane. And it felt so good, We wanna do it again. "
Friday, August 5, 2011
Close, Open, Happiness!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Be kind, considerate and compassionate when others are in trouble, even if you have problems of your own. Others will admire your selflessness and will help you in due course.
Show moral courage. Do what is right, even if that makes you unpopular. I always thought it important to be able to look at myself in the shaving mirror every morning and not feel guilt or remorse. I depart this world with a pretty clear conscience.
Show humility. Stand your ground but pause to reflect on what the other side are saying, and back off when you know you are wrong. Never worry about losing face. That only happens when you are pig-headed.
Learn from your mistakes. You will make plenty so use them as a learning tool. If you keep making the same mistake or run into a problem, you’re doing something wrong.
Avoid disparaging someone to a third party; it is only you who will look bad. If you have a problem with someone, tell them face to face.
Hold fire! If someone crosses you, don’t react immediately. Once you say something it can never be taken back, and most people deserve a second chance.
Have fun. If this involves taking risks, so be it. If you get caught, hold your hands up.
Give to charity and help those who are less fortunate than yourselves: it’s easy and so rewarding.
Always look on the upside! The glass is half full, never half empty. Every adversity has a silver lining if you seek it out.
Make it your instinct always to say ‘yes’. Look for reasons to do something, not reasons to say no. Your friends will cherish you for that.
Be canny: you will get more of what you want if you can give someone more of what they desire. Compromise can be king.
Always accept a party invitation. You may not want to go, but they want you there. Show them courtesy and respect.
Never ever let a friend down. I would bury bodies for my friends, if they asked me to . . . which is why I have chosen them carefully.
Always tip for good service. It shows respect. But never reward poor service. Poor service is insulting.
Always treat those you meet as your social equal, whether they are above or below your station in life. For those above you, show due deference, but don’t be a sycophant.
Always respect age, as age equals wisdom.
Be prepared to put the interests of your sibling first.
Be proud of who you are and where you come from, but open your mind to other cultures and languages. When you begin to travel (as I hope you will), you’ll learn that your place in the world is both vital and insignificant. Don’t get too big for your breeches.
Be ambitious, but not nakedly so. Be prepared to back your assertions with craftsmanship and hard work.
Live every day to its full: do something that makes you smile or laugh, and avoid procrastination.
Give of your best at school. Some teachers forget that pupils need incentives. So if your teacher doesn’t give you one, devise your own.
Always pay the most you can afford. Never skimp on hotels, clothing, shoes, make-up or jewellery. But always look for a deal. You get what you pay for.
Never give up! My two little soldiers have no dad, but you are brave, big-hearted, fit and strong. You are also loved by an immensely kind and supportive team of family and friends. You make your own good fortune, my children, so battle on.
Never feel sorry for yourself, or at least don’t do it for long. Crying doesn’t make things better.
Look after your body and it will look after you.
Learn a language, or at least try. Never engage a person abroad in conversation without first greeting them in their own language; by all means ask if they speak English!
And finally, cherish your mother, and take very good care of her.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
In Denial
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
What I need to learn about LIFE, I learned from PANTALON

Oo, pantalon.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I can hear the bells

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Call me BAD, I would love it. :D
She is beautiful…. her mother says so
She is the most intelligent person…. in the company of idiots
She has a very shapely figure…. but all in the wrong places
She has a lot of talents….that are best kept hidden
She is very sweet…. sickenly so
She is very friendly…short of being a stalker
She is a kind person… the kind you stay away from
She loves dogs….as kaldereta
She has a sense of humor… that others don't get
She is honest…when not caught
She is very creative…specially in making excuses
She is heartwarming…like a heartburn
She can be counted on… to always screw things up
Monday, June 6, 2011
Weather News Update
Typhoon Rage is still in the area of responsibility. A tropical cyclone such as this, normally, is a build up from low pressure. But this one is unique — it has a lot of high pressures coming from all sides.
Expect numerous thunderstorms that will produce gusty angerwinds and/or flooding tears rains in the coming days. So it would be best to take all necessary precautions as this typhoon is still gaining its strength from the continuous upsurge of high pressures.
This tropical cyclone is wreaking havoc everywhere. Hopefully, it is not powerful enough to produce tidal waves or spawning tornadoes. But if it does, everyone is expected to run for their lives. :))
If you are in the eye of the storm, please do not be deceived by the clear skies and light winds. The storm is not yet over —- for after the calm comes the torrent rains.
This is a warning, please evacuate soon.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
100 Truths daw?
100 truths
1. last beverage = Emperador lights. ( pang construction worker. haha! )
2. last phone call = Superhero :)
3 . last text message = Superhero? :P
4. last song you listened to = Home - Brian McKnight
5. last time you cried = you don't wanna know. :P
6. dated someone twice = Nada
7. been cheated on = Fortunately.. yes. :P
8. kissed someone and regretted it = Nah.
9. lost someone special = Yes.
10. been depressed = Of course.
11. been drunk and threw up = Ahahaha. Check on that. :P
15. made a new friend = I can't tell.
16. fallen out of love = Definitely!
17. laughed until you cried = Nah. Can't easily switch on extreme emotions. :P
18. met someone who changed you =I don't think change is necessary.. well, for now :P
19. found out who your true friends were = Yes. :)
20. found out someone was talking about you = Yes. Given na yan, you cannot please everyone.
21. kissed anyone on your fb's friend's list = uhm. I guess so? :))
22. how many people on your fb friend's list do you know in real life = Most of them are my friends while the rest are acquaintances.
23. do you have a big house = I have a BIG heart, i can fit the whole world in. :D
24. do you have any pets = Nah.
25. do you want to change your name = the least thing i will do. Love it as it is.
26. what did you do for your last birthday = I blew candles on my cake. :)
27. what time did you wake up today = 7:45 sleep sucker. :P
28. What were you doing last night = sleeping?
29. name something you cannot wait for = Settle down? haha! now that's funny :))
30. last time you saw your mother = May 16
31. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life = Nothing. Everything about my life is insanely perfect! >:) I would't trade for the world. :P
32. what are you listening to right now = I crave ( hahaha i can relate to it deym! )
33. have you ever talked to a person named Tom = Negative.
34. what's getting on your nerves right now = #34 pa lang nasasagot ko? WTH? bakit ko pa sinimulan to :)) haha
35. most visited webpage = blogspot? tambay lang.
36. days online = 6 days at work. hahaha!
37. nicknames = karen, qai.
38. tree= weeping willow tree
39. zodiac sign =Pisces
40. male or female = female
41. elementary = PES
42. high school = IHMA
43. college = ABADA College
44. Hair colour = dark brown
45. Long or short = long
46. height = 5'2" yata. :P
47. do you have a crush on someone = Johnny Depp :P
48. what do you like about yourself = I'm extremely witty >:) =))
49. piercings = sapat lang, katanggap tanggap sa lipunan :P
50. tatoos = have a very low tolerance over pain :P
51. righty or lefty = righty :P you know what they say, always keep right >:D<
52. first crush = Jologs, ayaw.
53.first piercings = ears, was 12 then or 11?
54.first best friends = cousin Girlie
55.first sport you joined = sungka. :))
56.first vacation = uhm. Cebu. hahaha
58.first car = matchbox? hahaha!
59.eating = Diet for like ages now. :))
50.drinking = black coffee
61.i'm about to = get a work done? on the second thought, later. :P
62.listening to = The Script
63.waiting for = lunch? haha
64.want kids = Positive!! :P
65.get married = Check!
66.career = hmm.
67.lips or eyes = ?
68.hugs or kisses= ?
69.shorter or taller = ?
70.older or younger = ?
71.romantic or spontaneous = spontaneous
72.nice stomach or nice arms = can do without
73.sensitive or loud = both
74.hook-up or relationship = relationship
75.trouble maker or hesitant = ?
76.kissed a stranger = NO!
77.drank hard liquor = Yes.
78.lost glasses/contact = Nah.
79.sex on first date = ?
80.broke someone's heart = Maybe?
81.had your own heart broken = as much chance as snowball in hell. :P
82.hurt someone = hurt someone? not intentionally.
83.turned someone down = Yes.
84.cried when someone died = ahuh.
85.fallen for a friend = uhm. nah.
86.yourself =Yes, on few occasions. :))
87.miracles = My life is. I do.
88.love at first sight = No.
89.heaven = Heaven on earth and heaven up there.
90.santa claus = Yes!! giggling! wish i didn't find out so soon. :))
91.kiss on the first date = ?
92.angels = Do!
93.had more than one bf/gf = at least one at a time.
94.Is there one person you want to be with right now? = :)
95.did you sing today = everyday :)
96.ever cheated on somebody = NO!
97.if you could go back in time, how far would you go , and why = I hate rewinds :P
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? = May 17, 2010. our cebu days.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? - better not be scared of the good things :)
100. Posting this as 100 truths? So on!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
For the LOVE of PN :)

I Will Still Love You
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Summer, Cebu and Me.

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do
They're really saying I love you.
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Essay and How I passed grade school.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sharing my cup :)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Loveletter :) because it's a letter full of love. :)
Monday, April 4, 2011
"Gusto ko lang naman ng Mcdo fries eh." :)
Friday, April 1, 2011
Who Was I?- Juris Fernandez
Monday, March 28, 2011
"I'm in the arms of Jesus and he sings me lullabies."