Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Most Loved 2

I have a vague recollection of my childhood. Most of it perhaps I spent wandering in deep slumber while my antibodies were at war trying to defeat a multitude army of allergens. Though some retained in its most vivid form. My hippocampus must have played bias on my forebrain for when a wave of recurrences strike, it is him that I remember too well.

“An only child alone and wild, a cabinet maker’s son. His hands were meant for different work and his heart was known to none… “

He was a tyrant ruler. You know, the usual father figure that we see on tv. He yell, he command, he drink, he smoke, he gamble. All of that which perversion of the common norms will allow, he claimed it

“ He left his home and went his lone in solitary ways. And he gave to me a gift I know I never can repay.. “

Nearly 3 years old, a typhoon annihilated our place, leaving our house devastated and our life shattered. I remember moving in to different houses 3 or 4 times? Until we finally own one. In that house, I saw him laugh and joke and dance and play. I heard him sing and played the guitar. We built a home. He made it possible.

“He earned his love through discipline, a thundering velvet hand. His gentle means of sculpting souls took me years to understand.. “

I never really tried to decipher or perhaps comprehend the ditch of his thoughts that would probably elucidate his discordance. It is conformity that dragged me then to loving and respecting him. Yet, when the day is done and the lights turned off, he was at home with us. I nodded along with the thought that he might still be the best father in the making. I was right.

“ The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old. But his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul.. “

I was so not sentient the time he started being the best. Can’t even recall how the transformation happened. What instilled in my heart were the songs that clutched us together during rainy seasons. And boy I was glad it was longer than the dry season! His face now with fine lines of wrinkles, his hair has sprouts of gray. Yet still his consistency in being the best, the most loving father in world never grows old.

“My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man. I’m just a living legacy to the leader of the band..”

The two most loved.

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