Wednesday, February 3, 2010

jUsT mE aNd mY sILLy tHouGhTs

If the mind forgets, does the heart forget too? Or will the soul remember everything and plant each scene in the heart along with the feelings that ceased to exist when the memory cells die down?

If the soul forgets and the mind deteriorates, will the heart keep all the memories unshattered or flash scenes like the blue sky’s reflection against the cascading waters?

If the heart forgets and the soul is trapped into nothingness, can the mind still define the coexistence of eros and psyche? or are these two destined to exist to be extinct?

How will you keep the fire burning when Zypherus blows its cold sweet kisses amidst the heat of the midday sun?

How does it feel to be totally forgotten and yet be the one who remembers everything? …


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♥UDD Rocks my world!♥