Tuesday, February 2, 2010


In the desperation of our broken hearts we try to make sense out of something that was “so right” or good and how it possibly could have gone so horribly wrong. You comb over the memories of the times you spent together. You think back to your first kiss or even the very moment you set your eyes on them. Why now? Common phrases such as “it happened so fast” come into play as you are left confused, broken and left alone with only but your thoughts. The mind can be a terrible thing if allowed to convince you that you will never be happy again without the love you just lost.

What I learned was that no matter how much we claim to love someone, a one-sided love is not enough glue to hold you both together. Love is not a compromise. It is a mutual choice and to do it on a consistent basis not because you have to but because it comes naturally. Love is patient, love is kind. If you let go of all the negative things and experiences that love was involved in (annulment or breakup) the truth be told is that it wasn’t love that hurt you, it was HOW the person loved you that did. There are so many stages of love but if someone doesn’t know how to love you, it will never work. Is this love’s fault? No. Plain and simple, it’s just the way things are. Just because someone doesn’t want to be with you anymore or doesn’t know how to give you the very things that you DO need to be happy doesn’t mean they are hateful or doesn’t care about you. Would you want to be with someone who didn’t love you the way you needed them to love you or would you rather be with someone who would walk through fire just to be near you? THIS is what I have learned in my lifetime. Love is not something you just accept. Love is something so powerful that we no not it’s origin but we do know when it’s the love we need. How do we know? Because it makes us want to stay with it forever.

If you love someone, you will do anything. You’ll do all the crazy things you can’t explain. Love, with the right person will only continue to grow and grow. The hand-hold never gets old. The going places together never gets boring. The nights you sit up talking about the important things in your life and having someone there to listen and provide you positive feedback and not criticism. THAT..is what love is. I have no doubt that love will find you. Make sure NOT to confuse love for a person or their ability to love you. There is a difference. How will you know? Your heart will tell you that their heart told you so.


Never give up hope and make sure that those who say they love you back that up on a consistent and positive basis. Never give up your core in order to be loved by someone else. Learn to dance to the melody YOU create. If someone else wants to join you, let them hold onto you for a while. You never know, you may end up holding one another in the long run.

Happy dancing.

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